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Ophitoxemia is generally poisoning by snake venom, from the Greek words “ophis” for snake and “toxon” for poison. It is a pathologic condition caused by the poisonous venom injected into the tissues by the fangs in certain snakes, which are followed by various toxic symptoms and signs.


In modern times, technology has transformed the education scenario. Not only have technologies made learning easier, but they also allow one to access more information easily. During the time-consuming and laborious journey of their academics, BAMS students get flooded with a vast number of subjects, concepts, and practices.

Ras Shaatra is Bams’s second prof subject. In it, there is varg, which is an essential backbone of Ras, critical parameters, Maharas Upras Ras, and Ranta varg.

Maharas (रस शास्त्र) महारस:

The substances which are useful in enhancing the medicinal values of Parada (mercury) are grouped under Maharasas. Many authors have included many varied substances under the Maharasas. But here Rasaratna Samucchaya classification is followed.


Heart Anatomy and its Disease
The human heart is a highly evolved, complex organ acting essentially as the plumbed pump for the body. It is a muscular organ, roughly the size of a closed fist, resting in the chest just left of center.


BAMS 3rd prof contains various subjects that are Kayachikitsa including ManasaRoga, Rasayana
and Vajikarana, Panchakarma & Upakarma, Shalya Tantra (General Surgery), Shalakya Tantra (Ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Oro-Dentistry (ENT)), Prasuti Tantra evam StreeRoga(Gynecology and Obstetrics), Kaumarabhritya (Pediatrics), Samhita Adhyayan-3, Atyaikachikitsa (Emergency Medicine), Research Methodology and Medical Statistics. 


Shalya Tantra is a branch of ayurveda that deals with surgery and in modern comparable to allopathy it to General Surgery, after doing PG in Ayurveda you are eligible to perform surgery. After the new syllabus is introduced the Shalya tantra will teach us in 3rd professional.


Electives are introduced in the BAMS curriculum with an aim to provide an opportunity for the students of ayurveda to get exposure to various related fields. It aims to introduce Ayurveda, its exposure, and its orientation to various allied subjects with a view to understanding and constructing interdisciplinary approaches.


Charak Samhita Uttaradh is a second part of Charak Samhita and contains Chikitsha (treatment) it’s a Samhita-3 as per 3rd Prof and this subject gives us broad knowledge about the medicine and how to use it in particular diseases same as modern but they have many parameters to check whether the patient can take it or not because one medicine can give in many forms like Bhasma, solid, liquid, etc forms.


DaAyurveda Bams Whatsapp channel provides you, with all the study materials like Notes, 10 Previous  Year Question Papers (PYQs), Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), and on-demand study materials.


Download Rachna Shaarir notes: Download Rachna Shaarir notes: Rachna Shaarir is the same as modern anatomy but it contains Athrav Veda or we can say an Ayurvedic version or ancient view of anatomy which is more co-related to modern-day anatomy.