Download Rachna Shaarir notes: Bams 1st prof has subject Rachna Shaarir is the same as modern anatomy but it contains Athrav Veda or we can say an Ayurvedic version or ancient view of anatomy which is more co-related to modern-day anatomy. They also tell us about the “Preservation of body”, how they preserve bodies in ancient days to study them.
Garbh Posadh Is a topic in rachna shaarir that tells us bout how fetus gets nutrition from their mother and the environmental effects on their body and what they cause if they don’t get proper nutrition.
Rachna Shaarir contains various topics are mentioned here:
- Shariropkramaniya 2. Shaarira, 3. Paribhasha 4. Shaarira, 5. Garbha Shaarira, 6. Asthi Shaarira, 7. Sandhi Shaarira, 8. Kesh, Dant, Nakha Sharir, 9. Peshi Sharir, 10. Sandhi Sharir, 11. Shayu Sharir, 12. Koshta Evam Ashay Sharir, 13. Praman Sharir, 14. Marma Sharir, 15. Sira Sharir, 16. Dhamani Sharir, 17. Strotas Sharir, 18. Kala Shair, 19. Indriya Sharir, 20. Twacha Sharir
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