3rd Prof Question Bank
BAMS 3rd prof contains various subjects that are Kayachikitsa including ManasaRoga, Rasayana
and Vajikarana, Panchakarma & Upakarma, Shalya Tantra (General Surgery), Shalakya Tantra (Ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Oro-Dentistry (ENT)), Prasuti Tantra evam StreeRoga(Gynecology and Obstetrics), Kaumarabhritya (Pediatrics), Samhita Adhyayan-3, Atyaikachikitsa (Emergency Medicine), Research Methodology and Medical Statistics.
We have covered almost all the subjects in this 3rd prof question bank some samples are here you can download the 3rd prof question bank by scrolling down at the bottom:
1. Define Chikitsa. Mention in detail the importance of Dwividopakrama? (2015) |
2. Explain in detail about Chikitsa Chatushpada and its importance. (2018) |
3. Discuss the difference between Ayurvedic and Adhunika Chikitsa Padhati Sidhanta? (2019) |
4. Discuss Samanya Vishesha Chikitsa Sidhanta? (2019) |
5. Describe Chikitsa Chatushpada and their role in clinical set up? (2021) |
6. Define Chikitsa and discuss applied aspects of Shadvidhopakrama? (2021) |
7. Write the definition, synonyms of Chikitsa, Kaya, Kaya Chikitsa, and classification of Chikitsa in detail. (2023) |
8. Importance of Kayachikitsa in Ashtanga Ayurveda? (2014) (Short Question) |
9. Trividha Chikitsa Bheda? (2014) (Short Question) |
10. Adravyabhoota Chikitsa? (2015) (Short Question) |
11. Write about Dosha, Dathu Vriddhi, and Kshaya Lakshana and their management. (2016) |
12. Define Samanyaja, Nanatmaja Vikara and explain their Chikitsa Upakrama with an example (2018) |
13. Explain in detail – Shadvidhopakrama and its importance in Chikitsa. (2014) |
14. Describe in detail Paribhasha, Nidana, Lakshana, Bheda, Chikitsa Sutra and Chikitsa of Raktapitta.? (2016) |
15. Describe in detail Paribhasha, Nidana, Lakshana, Bheda, Chikitsa Sutra and Chikitsa of Vatarakta.? (2016) |
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