Download Ashtang Hridyam notes: Ashtang Hridyam is part of the Samhita Adhyam in 1st prof as per the new pattern of NCISM and it contains 15 chapters this book tells us about the basics of the Ritucharya, Dincharya, Rog, Rog Nidan and Panchkarm etc.
Ashtang Hridyam contains 15 Chapters and their name are:
- Ayuskamiya adhyaya (Desire to live a long life)
- Dinacarya adhyaya (Daily routine)
- Ritucarya adhyaya (Seasonal details)
- Rogaanutpadaniya adhyaya (How can prevent disease)
- Dravyavijnaniya adhyaya (Know about the dravya)
- Annaswarupniya vijnaniya adhyaya (Food material nature)
- Annarakcha adhyaya (Food protection from poison, and against food)
- Matra Aatisitya adhyaya (How much should we take food)
- Dravyadi vijnaniya adhyaya (Know about the food content etc.)
- Rasa Bhediyaa adhyaya (Knowledge about Rasa)
- Dosaadivijnaniya adhyaya (Vata, Pitta and Kapha.)
- Dosaabhediya adhyaya (Dosa Vata, Pitta and Kapta)
- Doso Upakramaniya adhyaya ( How to treat Dosa)
- Dvividhopakramaniya adhyaya (Bringadh and Langhan treatment)
- Sodhanadigana sangraha adhyaya (Know about the drugs.)
Download Ashtang Hridyam notes : Ayushkamiyaadhyaya: This chapter is the basic of all the chapter and give basic knowledge of whole Ashtang Hridyam and nearly all chapters.
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