Agad Tantra Question Bank:  Here Agad Tantra gives a wide range of knowledge about poisons, their effects on the body and other range of species, and also their clinical significance.

Agad Tantra documents contain 10 years Previous Year Question Bank of Agad Tantra Paper I and it covers all the topics chapter-wise as well as topic-wise which helps you prepare for your internal examination and University examination as well. Topics that it contains from Agad Tantra are:

1. Concepts of Agada Tantra (Clinical Toxicology) Agada Tantra and Clinical Toxicology.

2. Visha Chikitsa (Management of Poisoning)

3. Vishakta aahara pariksha and Viruddha ahara

4. Garavisha and Dooshivisha

5. visha Upadrava and diseases caused due to exposure to visha/poisons

6. Environmental Toxicology

7. Dermatological manifestations of visha/poisons

8. Therapeutic utility of Agada yoga

9. Sthavara visha – Poisons of Plant origin

10. Sthavara visha – Poisons of Metallic origin

11. Jangama visha      12. Kritrima visha      13. Substances of abuse

14. Agada Tantra perspectives on cancer

15. Forensic medicine (Vyavahara Ayurveda) and Medical jurisprudence (Vidhi vaidyaka)

16. Vaidya sadvritta: Duties and Responsibilities of a medical practitioner

17. Legal Procedures 18 Personal identity    19 Thanatology      20 Asphyxial deaths      21 Injury

22 Pregnancy, delivery, and abortion.    23 Sexual offenses     24 Forensic psychiatry.

25 Forensic Science Laboratory    

26 Laws, Acts, Rules, and Regulations

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